Publication: The R.A.S.H. Mentality of Radicalization

A paper by Dr. Moncrieff and Dr. Pierre Lienard (Scientific Committee Member & UNLV Professor) titled The R.A.S.H. Mentality of Radicalization is accepted for publication in the Journal of Cognition and Culture (forthcoming early 2023).


In the study of the process of radicalization, precedence has been given to answering ‘how’ questions over the exact qualification of the concept of radicalization itself. What does it mean to be radicalized? What are the cognitive entailments of such state? What are the features that makes radicalization recognizable? We rely on a game theoretic model to characterize the essence of what it is to be radicalized. Our model of the radicalized agent’s rational behavior elucidates his construal of typical social transactions. We further propose that the rationality of the radicalized mind entails a cognitive calibration specifying a modality of thought we call the R.A.S.H. mentality. It incorporates a particular risk preference (that action is always optimal) and attitude (that one’s temerity calls for requital) which are both essential aspects of the radicalized mind. The R.A.S.H. mentality throw in a new light core findings of the radicalization literature.

Gloria Gaggioli